
  • Network Segmentation: The Secret Weapon for Small Business Security

    Network Segmentation: The Secret Weapon for Small Business Security

    Discover how network segmentation can be the game changer for small business security. Learn how to implement it effectively in this must-read post!

  • Detecting Security Vulnerabilities in Static code with Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

    Detecting Security Vulnerabilities in Static code with Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

    Introduction What is Static Application Security Testing (SAST)?  Static application testing is a concept that most software developers who have worked with any IDE are familiar with. It is what gives an alert when you try to use an undefined variable, the wrong variable type, unreachable methods, among others. Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is……

  • What is Static Code Analysis

    What is Static Code Analysis

    Static Code Analysis Static code analysis or Source code analysis is the method of debugging a program without running the code. Static analysis helps the programmers align with the standard code guidelines. It also helps in building an understanding of the code structure. Static analysis tools are a life saver for programmers who have to……

  • Zero-day vulnerability – How to Detect and Prevent Unknown Attacks

    Zero-day vulnerability – How to Detect and Prevent Unknown Attacks

    What is a zero-day vulnerability? A zero-day vulnerability is a term to describe a security flaw in the software/system that is unknown to the vendor or developer. Only when the hacker has taken advantage of the vulnerability and attacked the system does the developer get to know of the zero-day attack. But, when that happens,……

  • SAST Tools: Everything You Need to Know

    SAST Tools: Everything You Need to Know

    What is SAST? Static Application Security Testing or SAST is an Application Security Tool that is frequently used to scan an application’s binary, source, or byte code during the development cycle or code reviews. A white-box testing tool can identify the root cause of vulnerabilities and help in remedying the underlying security defects. Many SAST……